Friends of Canada hosted a Canadian table at Thessaloniki’s annual, ethnic, Food-for-Good Festival at 20.30 on Sunday, June 7, 2015, at Plaz Aretsou, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki. Volunteer Janet Koniordos coordinated the FoC stand by organising the cooking and stand service by several dedicated FoC volunteers. Approximately forty countries participated in the event run by International Women’s Organisation of Greece’s (Iwog) and the Women from Five Continents. All proceeds from the event went to local charities: Ανατολή, Δράση Για Το Κάτι Αλλο, Μέλισσα, and Κέντρο Θεραπευτικής Ιππασίας Σερρών.

Featured photo: Some of the FoC Canada stand volunteers—including organisers Janet Koniordos (Canada table co-coordinator) (6th from L) and Kathryn Lukey-Coutsocostas (Friends of Canada coordinator) (7th from L)

Event photos: Most by Kathryn Lukey-Coutsocostas.