Friends of Canada

Les Amis du Canada

Φίλοι του Καναδά

We're so pleased you're visiting Friends of Canada (FoC)…
Our informal FoC network - inspired by the Canadian embassy - facilitates the exchange of camaraderie and Canadian-related information between Canadians and friends of Canada from all nations who live in Greece.
Years of existence
Events organized
If you live in Greece and wish to be added to the FoC contact list to become a (free) member and receive our (free) electronic newsletter, please send the following to All nations welcome. Note that we will never ask you for money.
Please send:
  • Full Name:
  • Nationality:
  • Email address:
  • Mobile phone number:
  • Landline phone number (home or office):
  • Present city/town:
  • Preferred newsletter: Athens or Thessaloniki:
  • Facebook name (if you are on Facebook):
  • Please also copy and send the following statement: *'Friends of Canada has my consent to process my data.'
* This is simply a legal formality, to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. It means you are consenting to FoC processing your data for the sole purpose of FoC communications; the data will not be given to any other person for any other purpose. You may withdraw this consent at any time by emailing FoC with a request to 'unsubscribe' - your contact information will then be deleted from our database.
about us

About the FoC Network

When the Canadian embassy suggested the Canadian community of Thessaloniki, Greece, band together in 2001, a small, but dynamic, group of Canadians and friends of Canada formed an informal network. Originally, we were composed of alumni from Canadian universities, but we then embraced an open-door policy.

In late 2011, incoming Canadian Ambassador to Greece, Robert Peck, and Maria Pantazi-Peck immediately suggested Athens follow the successful Thessaloniki model, and we extended the network to Athens. Successive ambassadors and staff at the embassy and Thessaloniki consulate have been extremely supportive of this means of outreach to the local community.

Our informal Friends of Canada (FoC) network facilitates the exchange of camaraderie and Canadian-related information between Greece-based Canadians and friends of Canada from all nations via our electronic newsletter and Facebook page. Over the years, FoC has hosted numerous events and activities in both Athens and Thessaloniki, but COVID has brought downsizing. At FoC happenings, there is a ‘pay as you go’ philosophy; we collect no monies. Our newsletter also brings news from our Canadian-related affiliates about their open-to-the-public events.

Well-known Canadian Greek writer, Kathryn Lukey-Coutsocostas, is the founding and acting FoC coordinator.
Athens activities have included:
Occasional Canada Nights
New Year 'Vasilopita' Cutting
Informal Canada Day Celebration
Friends of Canada Network (*below): Réseau Franco-Canadien/Franco-Canadian Network
Thessaloniki activities have included:
Occasional Canada Nights
New Year 'Vasilopita' Cutting
Canadian table at the annual, ethnic Food-for-Good Festival hosted by the Women from Five Continents in Plaz Aretsou (proceeds go to charity)

In collaboration with the Salvation Army

You shouldn’t be surprised if the person who passes by you today on the street, or the person sitting next to you at one of Friends of Canada meetings, is someone who has somehow been touched by crisis. No matter how small your offer – from your time as a volunteer, to a bag of dry food goods or sack of personal hygiene tolietries - it can make a huge difference to someone else's life - and to yours. Facilitator: Rebecca Misthou.


Parce que le Canada se définit comme une nation bilingue et multiculturelle, que le français et l’anglais sont, à statut égal, ses deux langues officielles, les Canadiens et les ami(e)s du Canada du monde entier seront les bienvenu(e)s sur notre réseau francophone d’Athènes. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre aux questions que les francophones peuvent se poser sur la communauté locale et les ressources, comme les écoles de langue française. Et donc, si vous souhaitez participer à notre vie associative en français, merci de venir nous rejoindre ici. Animatrice : Marie-Thérèse Rolland


Canada is defined as a bilingual and multicultural nation, with French and English being, equally, its two official languages. As such, Canadians and friends of Canada from all nations are welcome to join this Athenian francophone network. We will do our best to answer questions that French-speakers may have about the local community and resources, like French-language schools. Join us! Facilitator: Marie-Thérèse Rolland