Friends of Canada hosted an informal Canada Day Celebration in the presence of Canadian Ambassador Robert Peck at 19.00 – 22.00 on Friday, July 3, 2015 at the official Canadian Residence for a BBQ. Participants were invited to support the chronic care hospice ‘Asilon Aniaton’.

Friends of Canada also bid a fond farewell to Ambassador Peck by presenting a farewell gift for him and Maria Pantazi-Peck – A ‘Dance your dreams’ print from Greek artist and FoC member Lila Koufopoulou (studio owner at Fine Arts Creations for Transformation & Wellbeing, https://www.facebook.com/lila.koufopoulou ). The Pecks were the instigators of Friends of Canada, Athens. Volunteer Dawn Lefakis ran the Canada Photo Booth.

Featured photo: Cutting the Canada Cake (L-R) Kathryn Lukey-Coutsocostas (Friends of Canada coordinator), Robert Peck (Canadian Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic) and Maria Pantazi-Peck (Ambassadorial spouse)

Event photos: Most by Kathryn Lukey-Coutsocostas.

Canada Photo Booth photos: By Dawn Lefakis.

Canada Photo Booth